
Written by Angie Drummonds 

Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do” (Jeremiah 42:3). 

Are there any of you who are directionally challenged like me? I don’t know which way is north or south or east or west. I need something to help me find my way. It’s called Google Maps and I’m not ashamed to admit I still use them to get around here in Alabama. 

Our family moved here twelve years ago from Kentucky and couldn’t even pronounce the name of the city we lived in. We only survived getting around by using our Maps app to navigate our new town. It did me no good to ask directions to the grocery store or the kids' school, because turning by “the old Food World” means nothing to someone who wasn’t here when the Food World existed. I needed an address to put in my Maps app and away I’d go. 

There was no way I could just jump in my car and drive to a place I had never been before. I needed help. I needed guidance. To navigate a new town I needed my Maps app. But to navigate things spiritually, I need God. 

I remember feeling so lost when we first moved to Alabama. I didn’t know where anything was and, had it not been for my Maps app, I’m not sure how I would have ever made it anywhere. There have been so many times I’ve felt that same way in life. Trying to know what direction God needed me to go wasn’t always easy. There were so many times I’ve not known what to do, how to do it, when to go, or when to stay and I’ve desperately needed God to guide me. 

As I searched for direction I found it most when I opened my Bible and sought God. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105) . It shows me where to go when I feel lost. It encourages me when I feel like I just don’t know what to do. It gives me hope, peace, comfort, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Everything I need is found in His word. 

So if I’m in a place where I’m afraid I can know that the Lord goes before me and I don’t have to be fearful. He will always be with me and will never leave me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:8). 

If I’m going through a difficult time I can know that in Him I can have peace. In the world I will have hard seasons, but I can take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33)!

These are only a few examples of the direction His word provides. To have the direction that I need in this life, I have to stay in His word, always seek His presence, and follow Him closely. 

It doesn’t matter what comes or how lost we may find ourselves; if we seek the Lord, He will lead and guide us. I’m thankful that I can follow Jesus and know I’ll never get lost, I’ll never be alone, and I’ll always be safe with Him beside me along the way!  

“The more we follow Christ, the more we will feel His love and direction.” 

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