God's Blessings

We all have heard the story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis 27. Jacob tricked Esau into trading his birthright for a bowl of soup, and he also went to great lengths to deceive their father so he could receive the blessing. 
The thing is that the blessing Jacob so desperately wanted was already his. God had a plan to bless Jacob, but Jacob wouldn’t wait on God’s timing. Have you ever been there before? I know I have. 
Unfortunately for Jacob, because he wouldn’t surrender to God’s ways or wait on God’s timing, the blessing he wanted quickly became a burden. Getting a blessing right when we want it may work faster, but it also requires more work later. Getting popular might come with drama that you don’t want. Getting the relationship might come at the cost of your reputation. 
Jacob’s “right now” blessing came with TONS of baggage. For starters, Esau wanted to kill him. Jacob was forced to run away for his own safety, which meant he never saw his mother again (which was a big deal because Jacob was a mama’s boy). For years, his life was marked by fear, deceit, betrayal, and heartache, all because he gave up his integrity for what he wanted right then and now.
God will never call you to do anything that will compromise your integrity, but He will often call you to wait for Him while He works things out on your behalf. You can trust God to answer your prayers and move obstacles that stand in your way, even if it seems like He is taking a long time to do it. He can be trusted, no matter how long the wait. The question is, can God trust you to wait patiently while He works behind the scenes? 
“The Lord is good to those who wait for him. He is good to those who look for him. It is good to wait quietly for the Lord to save them.” Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭25‬-‭26‬

1 Comment

Kristy - August 13th, 2024 at 3:25pm

thank you