Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our heart at the Revival Center beats for missions and reaching the entire globe for Christ. We call our missions and outreach, "Kingdom Builders". We desire to see lives changed and to truly be used to build the Kingdom of God through any means necessary!

Missionary support
At the Revival Center we desire to support as many "boots on the ground" missionaries that we are able to. We support our missionaries through our "Kingdom Builders" pledges each year. The church gives monthly support to over 80 missionaries from the state of Alabama and beyond. We know that God has given the Great Commission to be fulfilled and we desire to partner with missionaries to make that a reality!
2025 Missions trips
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips
South africa
We will be working alongside a local pastor leading kid's crusades and training kid's ministry leadership teams. Also, we will be visiting local churches, schools, parks, etc. to host crusades including tent revivals and street ministry. For more information see Pastor Brandy.
2025 Missions trips
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips
We are partnering alongside local pastors in Auburn, Maine. During this in country missions trip, we will focus on outreach ministry in the local community and building projects. For more information please see Pastor Brandy.
2026 Missions trip
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips
We will be working alongside Missionary Joel Marbut and his entire ministry team in Sucua Ecuador in the summer of 2026. This will be a trip that includes, construction work at the Hope House, VBS, building relationships with the young girls who live at the Hope House, and much more.
A.D. 2033 Initiative
Our newest Kingdom Builders missions giving initiative is Kingdom Builders A.D. 2033. This is a goal taken up by churches across backgrounds and denominations to do all that we can to see the Great Commission completed by 2033. Why 2033 you ask? 2033 is two thousand years since the Spirit fell on those in the upper room at Pentecost which launched the beginning of God's church and its spread.
We are focused on three areas in which we are focusing to see this task completed.
1. Plant churches in places at home and abroad
2. Bible translation projects into languages that do not have a Bible of their own
3. Partner with boots on the ground missionaries
We cannot do this without your support! Let's partner together to see the Great Commission fulfilled. Click the link below and choose the fund Kingdom Builders to partner in Kingdom Builders A.D. 2033.
We are focused on three areas in which we are focusing to see this task completed.
1. Plant churches in places at home and abroad
2. Bible translation projects into languages that do not have a Bible of their own
3. Partner with boots on the ground missionaries
We cannot do this without your support! Let's partner together to see the Great Commission fulfilled. Click the link below and choose the fund Kingdom Builders to partner in Kingdom Builders A.D. 2033.