Seeing Beautiful

“It’s hard when we are living in that space where our head knows God can do anything, but our heart is heavy because He’s not doing what we are hoping for.” - Lysa Terkeurst’s daily devotional, Seeing Beautiful Again.

There are so many people I know walking through journeys of healing right now. Some are trying to heal from past trauma. Some are healing from loss. Some are healing from betrayal. Some are praying for healing from sickness and diseases. Whatever season of healing you may be in, I want to encourage you to know God can and WILL bring beauty to your season of hurt. 

I can remember a time in my life I was healing from things that I didn’t understand. Loss, betrayal, and hurt from people I had trusted and who turned their backs on me. 

It hurt and I went through every emotion as I tried to heal from the unexpected pain that was thrown my way. 

I knew God could heal my broken heart. I knew He could mend every broken place in my heart, but when that didn’t happen instantly, I found myself questioning God. 

Would this pain last forever? 
Would I always feel this ache in my heart? 
Would this heartache become something I just had to get used to? 

The book  Seeing Beautiful Again, was released right at a time when I was walking through a painful season of loss and suffering. One of the quotes in it said,  

“In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, or the reality you didn’t know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful.”

Wow! This ministered to my hurting heart to know that even though I was walking in a season of pain that I never wanted to walk through, life could still be beautiful. 

I know what you’re thinking… but how? How can life be beautiful again after _______? 

I know I don’t know your individual story and I don’t know all the details. However, I do know the faithfulness of God and I’ve seen Him bring beauty to some of the most painful seasons of life I’ve walked through.

Healing is messy. It’s good days and not so good days. It’s thinking you’re fine and then suddenly get hit with a wave of unexpected emotions that come crashing over you. 

We want healing to be neat and easy. We want the pain of our grief or sorrow or suffering to be over quickly. We don’t want to be inconvenienced by the unexpected hard days or be taken off guard by it. If you’ve ever walked through a journey of healing you know, you can’t rush it or hurry it along. You have to go through the journey, day by day, minute by minute, second by second.

Lysa says in her book that she discovered  that those days where a fresh wave of tears hits you all over again, don’t have to be a setback. They can instead be evidence that we are moving through the hardest parts of healing. She says, “new tears over old wounds are proof we are processing the grief and wrestling well with the ache in our soul.”

Feeling the pain is the first step to healing from the pain. We have to allow ourselves to process through the emotions of the grief, or hurt we feel so that we can allow healing to take place. 

When we start to see the beauty in healing, we won’t look at it as so unfair. We will start to see the strength that we have been given by the Lord to make it through our hardest days.  A strength we never knew we had. 

One day you’ll look around and realize that life is beautiful, even if your circumstances haven’t changed. You’ll see beauty because of the healing you’ve allowed yourself to walk through. 

No matter what type of healing journey you may be on now, I want to leave you with the hope found in 2 Peter 5:10 that says,  “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

Keep trusting God. 
You will see Beautiful again.

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