In the Dry Seasons

By: Tabitha White

If you’ve followed our church blog for any length of time, I’m sure you have realized that the job of writing rotates between staff members. On the Monday that our blog is due, we receive a reminder email that it’s our turn to write. If we still haven’t turned in our blog on Friday, we get a reminder text. And if you happen to be married to the pastor that is responsible for posting the blog, and you still haven’t turned it in, you get a not-so-subtle reminder that your blog is late.

In case you are wondering, this week was one of those weeks for me. I have sat down to write multiple times this week, and each time, I have drawn a total blank. 

People that know me well know that I love to write! I love to write encouraging cards, Gospel-centered kid’s curriculum, and podcast essays. Give me a chance to write, and I will always take it! Writing has always been an outlet for me to clear my mind and use my creativity…which is why I have been so annoyed by my blank writing space this week. I have prayed, read my Bible, and listened to worship music and still never felt that “this is what I should write” moment…until I talked to Pastor Josh about the creative block that had summed up all of my writing attempts. As we were talking, he said, “lean into that dry season and write from there.”

Psalm 42:1 says, “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O Lord.” Have you ever been there? Desperate to hear from God - not just for a blog topic, but for answers to real-life problems; for divine guidance and peace; for just a moment in His presence! We’ve all experienced the kind of physical thirst that sends you running in your kitchen for an ice cold glass of water, but we don’t always think about being spiritually thirsty. Those times that our feelings tell us that God has surely forgotten about us or that we are incapable of hearing His voice.

In Matthew 5:6, Jesus promises, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” The Bible is filled with people who were desperately hungry and thirsty for God. They needed help that only God could provide. In our human mind, that sounds like an incredibly negative place to be. However, it’s in that place that we truly realize our need for God, and we see how He’s always been faithful to come fill our need.

So, no matter the season that you find yourself in today, lean into your relationship with our loving Father! Lean into His goodness, and trust in His promises! As David reminds us in Psalm 145:13, “The Lord always keeps His promises, He is gracious in all He does.” The dry seasons don’t last forever, and God is faithful to fill those who hunger and thirst for Him!

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