
By: Amanda Allums

There comes a time in every person‘s life where they realize right from wrong and must make a decision to choose between the two. We call this the “age of accountability,” but that could be different for different people. Whenever our children are young, we as parents do our best to help them learn how to take care of themselves, make good decisions, and be a good person, and if you are raising your child in a Christian home as parents who are believers in Christ, then you do it biblically to the best of your ability. We teach them to read their Bible, pray, worship, and to make God the center of their heart and world. As long as we know that we have done everything we are supposed to do and what God has asked us to do or not do then we can have peace that our child will make the best decisions possible. However, we do not live in a perfect world with perfect people. We live in a fallen world, and we are sinners saved by grace. 

Some of us grew up in households that did not serve the Lord or go to church. Some of us were raised in abusive situations and some were raised with good people who would give the shirt off their back for anyone. Some of us were neglected or passed off to the neighbors, or were products of divorce. But none of those are excuses once we come to know the Lord and what is right and what is wrong biblically. We must take ownership of our decisions. There is a quote that I have heard many times that says, “Every decision we have made up to this point has formed what we are right now.” That does not mean what we are right now cannot change. Some people need healing and therapy from past traumas to move forward, and that is okay. Every day is a new day and God’s grace is sufficient every day. I am thankful that I get to ask for forgiveness and healing from a God who sent His only Son to die for me. I am thankful that He knows my thoughts, hears my prayers, and knows my deepest desires. Jesus always has His arms stretched open and is waiting on us to come back to Him if we have fallen away. 

I am so thankful I ran to those arms at eighteen years old. After that point, every decision that I made led me to where I am now. Some of them were not so great decisions and some of them were good decisions. But I am also thankful that God can turn around what the devil means for harm. When Jason and I were nineteen years old, I was two months pregnant when we got married. We had our daughter and set things right before the Lord and decided to serve Him fully. When we were twenty five years old, we had our son. It was up to us to raise our children in the way of the Lord, but once our children reached the age of accountability, then we as parents were there to encourage them, pray for them, and be there when they needed us and when they fell. This world is an ugly place and the devil would love nothing more than to take out a God-fearing Christian family, so we should not be ignorant to the fact that he is seeking whom he may devour, especially in families that serve the Lord. We must be diligent and we must keep our eyes open and know what is going on in our children’s lives and in our world.

You know when our children were little and they did something good, we praised them and let them know it was good. Likewise, when they did something bad, we disciplined them and tried to teach them through it. There are some parents that love to take all the credit when their children do good things, but then cast blame when they do bad things. The fact of the matter is that when the child is at the age of accountability, the good things and bad things they do should be credited to them because it is their decisions. We cannot take credit for the good things or the bad things. That is why we should never judge a parent based on how good their child is or how bad their child is. The same goes for ourselves. We as adults make decisions that are good and bad and they only reflect on us. If we make a bad decision, it is our decision no matter what someone else has taught us or told us. Romans 14:12 says, “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.” That is why we should be careful who we allow to influence us and who we take advice from. That is also why we should know what the Bible says so we can be wise and discerning.

One of the many differences between us and God is we are sinners saved by grace and He is perfect and all-knowing. Therefore, we cannot blame God when something bad happens, but we can definitely thank Him when He brings us out of it and when something good happens. So keep praying for your family and your children and grandchildren. “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12).
Instead of judging or gossiping about others, or tearing them down, allow the Lord to use you to influence those around you with God’s Word, because as long as we do what God and His Word tells us to do, then we can live in peace and without regret and be ready for our day of judgment from the Lord. “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

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