Why worry when He holds tomorrow.

By: Gabi Pope

Sometimes I'll be going through my day, and everything will be fine, then I begin to overthink and worry. I begin to think about all of the what-ifs and worse case scenarios. Am I the ONLY ONE who deals with this?
A few nights ago I was specifically worried about the future and what was to come but it was at that moment I felt the Holy Spirit say: “God already has figured out what you're worried about.”

God already has it all figured out, I just kept repeating it in my head over and over again! Whatever it is that you are so worried about,God already knows the answer. He is already in the solution. He already knows what is going to happen, way before it even happens. It does you and I, NO GOOD worrying about something God already has figured out.  

I love how it says in Philippians 4:6-7: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Every time I am worrying about something, that is my reminder to pray. Every time I start to go down a spiral of “what ifs”, that is my reminder to lift up my requests to the Lord. When I was in the middle of overthinking about the future, and the worries were flooding into my head, I had to make the decision: was I going to continue to spiral? Was I going to continue to worry and stress about things outside of my control?

OR was I going to pray, ask God to take hold of all my worries, and then fix my eyes back on HIM?
We ought to make a decision to focus more on God, and less on our current circumstances.

Our prayers are powerful and effective. When you pray, God moves. Don't diminish the power of your prayers today friend, and know that the prayers you pray today, can lead you to the path of peace tomorrow!

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