
By: Alex Fortson

From Calling to Blessing: The Path to Multiplication
What would happen if every single person in the church witnessed to someone about
Jesus? The short answer is simple: the Kingdom of God would multiply dramatically.

However, it is not enough to simply be called by God—we must also be blessed by Him.
Everyone has a calling on their life from God, but not everyone walks in that calling. In
my seven years of ministry, I have seen many people recognize the call of God on their
lives, yet choose to turn away from it. The reason? Calling alone is not enough—it is the
blessing that brings multiplication.

The Connection Between Calling and Blessing

Let’s read Isaiah 51:1-2 together:

Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord: Look to the
rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; look to
Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him, he was only
one man, and I blessed him and made him many.”

This passage reveals a crucial truth: Abraham was called by God, but God didn’t stop at
the calling—He also blessed him. Notice the contrast: calling is singular, but blessing
leads to multiplication.

A calling is personal; it’s about where God has placed you and what He has called you
to do.  The shift happens when calling meets blessing. Abraham was just one man
when he was called, but when God blessed him, he became many. We must not only be
called—we must also be blessed, because the blessing is what brings multiplication.

How Do We Move from Calling to Blessing?

You may be asking: “I know I’m called, but how do I receive God’s blessing?”
First, understand that we are all blessed. If you’re reading this, you have been blessed
with breath in your lungs and a beating heart. However today, I’m talking about blessing
within your calling—the kind of blessing that produces Kingdom growth.

How do you receive this blessing? You look to the Rock.

Isaiah 51:1 tells us that those who pursue righteousness and seek the Lord must look to
the rock from which they were cut. Then, Isaiah 50:7 declares:

“But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I
have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame.”

Let’s take a moment to define flint. Flint is a hard, sharp, sedimentary rock made of
quartz. To be blessed, you must set your face like flint toward Jesus—the Rock from
which we were made. It is at this moment that you move from simply having a calling to
receiving the blessing. This is where you shift from singular production to multiplication.

From the Upper Room to the Nations

This is the same shift that happened in the early church.

The 120 disciples were called to go to the upper room, but it was when they received
the power of the Holy Spirit that blessing fell. Fire fell. Then, Peter stood up and
preached the Gospel of Jesus, and over 3,000 people were saved and baptized in a
single day. The Gospel was multiplied!

When blessing meets calling, the Kingdom of God is multiplied.

What If Every Christian Witnessed?

Let me ask you again: What would happen if every person in the church witnessed to
someone about Jesus?

What if, instead of merely recognizing their calling, believers actually walked in it? What
if they set their faces like flint toward Jesus, received His blessing, and saw their impact
multiplied? Imagine the effect—not just in our community, but across our state, our
country, and the world.

When we move from calling to blessing, we move from addition to multiplication. And
when the Kingdom multiplies, lives are transformed for eternity.

Are you ready to walk in the blessing?

1 Comment

Kristy Jennings - March 10th, 2025 at 11:22am


nThank you