family devotion Week 1

Week of January 8, 2024

Day 1

Faith Fact:

God is my Creator!

Faith Verse:

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11 (NLT)

Question of the Day:

Who is God?

Read about it:
Genesis 1:1-2; Luke 18:27; 1 Timothy 1:17; 1 John 4:8

You have probably heard of Someone named “God.” But who is He? What is He like? How do we learn about Him? How do we get to know Him? The best way to discover more about God and what He’s like is to study His Word, the Bible. Reading the Bible teaches us about God. We get to learn who He is and what’s important to Him. We can even learn how to connect with Him from people in the Bible who knew Him well. Reading the Bible helps us get a picture of God’s personality. The more we understand God, the more we can be like Him! Studying God’s Word is a lot of fun! There are many great stories of brave heroes, talented artists, and even love. Let’s dive into God’s Word and learn about God!

Talk about it:
  • What did today’s devotion make you think about? ·
  • What do you think God is like?· 
  • What is the most amazing thing that God created?·
  • How would you answer the Question of the Day at the beginning of this devotion?

Pray about It:

God, thank You for showing us who You are. Thank You for giving us the Bible, so we can learn about You. Thank You for creating us, so we can love You. Help us to see who You are, and how we can be more like You. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact:

God is my creator

Faith Verse:

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalms 119:11 (NLT)

Question of the Day:

Who created the world?


Genesis 1:1-5

Do you ever look around at our beautiful world and think, Where did it all come from? Or have you ever seen a weird animal like an aardvark or a platypus and thought, Who made them? Or do you wonder why all those tiny bugs are here? The answer to all of those questions is God! He is the ultimate Creator. God created everything!

That may get you thinking of the next question:

How did God create everything?

We find the answer to these questions in the very first chapter of the very first book of the Bible. Genesis 1 tells us that God has always been here. He was here before people, before animals, before everything! Looking at how God took time to create the world shows us that God has a plan. He made most of the world by speaking, but He made people by hand! People play a special role in God’s creation! Let’s take a closer look at Genesis 1.

Talk about it:

  • What did today’s devotion make you think about?
  • Why do you think God made everything the way He did?
  • Look around. What is something you see that God Created?
  • How would you answer the Question of the Day?

Pray about It:

God, You are our Creator. Thank You for creating us in a special way. I want to always remember that You have made each one of us special. Help us to reflect You, so that others will see You when they look at us. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact:

God is my Creator.

Faith Verse:

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalms 119:11 (NLT)

Question of the Day:

How did God create the Earth?


Genesis 1:6-25

Making things takes time. If you’re making a cake or building something, there are normally some instructions to follow. There are steps that you have to take in a certain order. The only person that knows how to do it without the instructions is the one who created it.As we look at the way God created the Earth, He was like a master chef or a professional builder. He took His time and paid attention to every detail.Can you imagine if God would have made things out of order? What would have happened if He made fish before the ocean or monkeys before trees? Things would have gotten very crazy if He created birds before He separated the sky from the land. God took His time to make sure that everything was done in the perfect order. He created light before there was night. He separated the land from the sea and the sky. He created land and trees. God didn’t overlook anything. He didn’t need instructions because He is the master Creator. Let’s take a closer look at exactly how God did all this and see if we can answer these questions.

Talk about It:

  • How can you see that God paid attention to every detail when He was creating the Earth?
  • What do you think that tells us about how God cares for  not just the Earth, but for people too?
  • What are some ways that we can worship God by  paying attention to what we are doing?
  • How would you answer the Question of the Day?

Pray about It:

God, You do everything perfectly. You don’t make mistakes. You do everything on time. That means You made each one of us on purpose, and You paid special attention to every part of our lives. Help us to live in a way that brings You glory and honor. Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact:

God is my Creator.

Faith Verse:

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalms 119:11 (NLT)

Question of the Day:

How did God make people special?


Genesis 1:26-31; Genesis 2:7-9,18-22

What if you had an unlimited supply of blocks or play dough? You could make anything! What would you make? A toy? A city with giant skyscrapers? A science lab where you can create the greatest invention ever made? Maybe your very own superhero with an awesome hideout? Or a princess with the most impressive castle? Imagine all the cool things you could make. The only limit to your options is your creativity!Now, think about this: God has an unlimited supply of everything. He is the Creator of the entire universe and everything in it. But Genesis 1:26–28 tells us that even though God created many things, He wanted one more, special creation. Do you know what it is? People!God did something very special when He created people. With the same breath that God used to speak and create the universe, He breathed life into the first man. I don’t know about you, but when I blow into things they don’t come to life! Some things might make noise like a kazoo or get bigger like a balloon, but they don’t start living. God is so powerful! He used so much creativity when He created people! Let’s dive back into Genesis and answer these questions.

Talk about It:

  • What was the most exciting thing you learned in today’s devotion?
  • Why do you think God used a different way to make people?
  • God made us like Him, and He is creative. What is one way that God has made you creative?
  • How would you answer the Question of the Day?

Pray about It:

God, You are so creative and powerful. You made us so special. You gave us the ability to make choices. Thank You for loving us and giving us the choice to love You back. As we go through the day, help us to find ways that we can be creative just like You. Amen.