Day 1

Faith Fact:
God has a plan for me.

Faith Verse:
Psalm 37:23
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."

Question of the Day:
In this reading, how do we see God has a plan?

Exodus 2:1-4

Can you imagine watching your mom place your new baby brother into a wooden basket and then putting him into a crocodile infested river?? To our minds, that sounds absolutely crazy, but that is where our journey with Moses begins.

The Pharaoh realized that the Hebrew nation was growing faster than he had imagined so he came up with an evil plan. His plan was to throw all newborn baby boys into the Nile River, but God had a bigger plan. A plan that Pharaoh never could've seen coming. When Moses' mom placed him in the river, God directed the basket right into Pharaoh's daughter's path. As we read through Moses' story this week, let us keep our eyes open to see the way that Gods hand was on Moses' life even from the very beginning.
Think about it:

Question 1.) Moses' parents came from what tribe?
Answer: Levi. Exodus 2:1

Question 2.) Why did Moses' mom place him in the basket?
Answer: Exodus 1:15-16

Talk about It:
  • What did today’s devotion make you think about?
  • How do you think Moses' family felt as they were putting him and the basket into the Nile?

Pray about It:
Father, thank You for allowing us to know that Your plan is far better than ours could ever be. Even if we do not understand what is going on around us, we put our trust in You and You alone. We love you. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Day 2

Faith Fact:
God has a plan for me.

Faith Verse:
Psalm 37:23
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."

Question of the Day:
In this reading, how do we see God has a plan?

Exodus 2:5-9

What would you do if you heard cries coming from a basket in the middle of the river? Would you rush to get the basket, or would you run away?

We read in our Bibles today that Pharaoh's daughter sent her maid for the basket. Don't you think she was surprised when she opened the basket and found a baby? Look at what happens next in the story! Because Pharaoh's daughter couldn't properly take care of baby Moses, she sent for a Hebrew woman that could take care of him. Little did she know it would be Moses' mother.

Think about it:
Question 1..) Who found Moses in the Nile river?
Answer: Exodus 2:5

Question 2.) Who brought Moses to the princess?
Answer: Exodus 2:5

Question 3.) Who did the princess get to take care of baby Moses?
Answer: Exodus 2:9

Talk about It:
  • What did today’s devotion make you think about?
  • How do you see God's plan for Moses' life in this story?
  • When Moses' mom put him in the river, do you think she ever imagined that she would be able to take care of him again? 

Pray about It:
Dear Jesus, thank You for always  working out Your plans for our life. We know that Your plans are the most perfect and thought out plans for us. We love You. Thank You. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact:
God has a plan for me.

Faith Verse:
Psalm 37:23
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."

Question of the Day:
In this reading, how do we see God has a plan?

Exodus 2:1-10, Genesis 50:22, Romans 8:28

How cool was Moses' life? Floating in a basket down a crocodile infested river? Being rescued by a princess? Like, whoa!!! It sounds like the beginning of a really cool movie, but instead it was the beginning of God's plan for Moses' life.

God used Pharaoh's terrible plan to move Moses from his Hebrew family into the palace with Pharaoh's daughter. Sometimes in our lives it can feel like everything is going wrong, but Moses' story shows us that we can trust God to work out all of the details in our life for our good.

Think about it:

Question 1.) Who watched Moses float down the river?
Answer: Exodus 2:4

Question 2.) Who picked Moses' name?
Answer: Exodus 2:10

Question 3.) Why did the princess name the baby Moses?
Answer: Exodus 2:10

Talk about It:
  • What did today’s devotion make you think about?
  • How do you see God "working things together" for good in the story of Moses' life?
  • In your life, how have you seen God turn bad situations around for your good?

Pray about It:
Dear God, thank You that You promise to work all the details of my life for Your good. In Psalms 37:23, the Bible promises that You delight in all the details of our life. Thank You for even caring about the smallest details of our lives. Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact:
God has a plan for me.

Faith Verse:
Psalm 37:23
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."

Question of the Day:
What do these verses tell us about Gods plan for our lives?

Jeremiah 1:5; 29:11, Psalm 139:16

In today's reading, we read several verses that talk about God's amazing plan for our lives, but sometimes it doesn't feel quite so amazing. I bet Moses' mom might've questioned God when she placed Moses into the Nile River, but this week's story has shown us how God turned Pharaoh's evil plan around for good. God placed Moses in the exact place that He needed him to be.

Did you know that God still does the same thing for us today? Our verses today remind us that even before we were born God had an incredible plan for each of our lives. As Jeremiah 29:11, "His plans are for our good and not for harm. They are to give us hope and a future." How amazing is it that the God of the entire universe cares about each of us enough to have a special plan for each of our lives?

Think about it:
Question 1.) Look at Jeremiah 1:5. What did God appoint Jeremiah to be?
Answer: A Prophet to the Nations. 

Question 2.) In Jeremiah 29:11, God says His plans will give us a ______ and a ________.
Answer: Future. Hope. 

Talk about It:
  • What did today’s devotion make you think about?
  • How does it make you feel to know that God knew you even before you were born?

Pray about It:
Dear Jesus, thank You that You have a special plan for my life. Thank You that You know me inside and out, just as You said in Psalms 139:16 "every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Thank You for loving and caring so much about me and my life. Amen.