Day 1

Faith Fact:
God believes in me.

Faith Verse:
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

Question of the Day:
Who do you ask for help?

Judges 6:1–16

You’re standing against the wall with your classmates. It’s PE (gym class) and you’re about to play flag football. Two of your friends are standing in front of you staring at you and the line of kids. This is one of your least favorite parts of PE—picking teams. “Will I get picked last? Will I get picked at all? I’m not that good at football and people are going to laugh at me.”

We’ve all been there. Maybe for you it’s not football or a sport, but something else you don’t feel good enough to be chosen for. The truth is all of us are better at some things than at others. And we won’t always be picked to do everything. But there is one thing each one of us has been picked for—to be on God’s team!

Gideon didn’t think he was good enough to do what God was telling him to do. He felt weak and afraid. But God wasn’t telling Gideon to do it on his own. When God tells us to do something, He’s telling us to do it with Him. Now, that’s encouraging! We can do all things through Him. God picked you, and He believes in you!

Think about it:

Question 1. Where was Gideon and what was he doing when the angel of the Lord appeared to him?
Answer 1. In hiding, threshing wheat. (Judges 6:11)

Question 2. What did the angel of the Lord call Gideon?
Answer 2. Mighty hero (Judges 6:12)

Question 3. What did the Lord tell Gideon to do?
Answer 3. Rescue Israel from the Midianites (Judges 6:14)

Question 4. What was Gideon’s excuse for not being able to do what God had told him to do?
Answer 4. His clan was the smallest in the tribe and he was the youngest in his family. (Judges 6:15)

Question 5. How can you overcome your fear?
Answer 5. Remembering that, like Gideon, God is with you. (Judges 6:16)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•How does it make you feel to know that God is always with you?
•How can you use what you’re good at for Him?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for choosing me to be on Your team. Please help me to remember You’ve chosen me to do Your work and that You are always with me. I want to use the gifts You’ve given me to love You and show Your love to others. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact:
God believes in me.

Faith Verse:
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

Question of the Day:
If God tells me to do something, will He help me do it even if it seems impossible?

Judges 6:1–6; 7:1–8

Imagine a game of Tag where everyone was “it” but you. You wouldn’t run very far before someone would tag you! You’d be way too outnumbered. You’d probably tell your friends, “That’s not fair.” Now imagine a huge army with soldiers for as far as your eyes can see. That’s what Gideon was up against. Could you imagine playing Tag with the Midianite army? That would seem impossible!

Gideon started off with thirty-two thousand men. Then God said that was too many men. After some left who were afraid, Gideon had ten thousand men left. But God wasn’t done! He said to send home more men until there were only three hundred left with Gideon. Gideon didn’t think that was enough men. There was no way they could beat the huge Midianite army with only three hundred men. Except … when God is on your side, all things are possible.

Think about it:

Question 1. How many men did Gideon start out with?
Answer 1. 32,000 (Judges 7:2–3)

Question 2. God said that was too many men. Why?
Answer 2. The Israelites would’ve thought they won by their own strength. (Judges 7:2)

Question 3. What two things did God tell Gideon to have the men do to decide who should be sent some home?
Answer 3. Ask if they were afraid and have them drink from a stream. (Judges 7:3–6)

Question 4. After this, there were only three hundred men left with Gideon. How do you think Gideon felt?
Answer 4. (Answers will vary and may include afraid, worried, unsure, nervous, courageous, and excited.)

Question 5. Why could Gideon be confident of victory, even with only three hundred men?
Answer 5. God told him “With these 300 men I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites.” (Judges 7:7)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•How do you think Gideon felt when God told him to send the soldiers home?
•Do you ever struggle to trust that God is with you?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for the opportunity to serve You. Help me remember that no matter how challenging things might seem, You are always with me. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact:
God believes in me.

Faith Verse:
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

Question of the Day:
Who do you ask for help?

Judges 7:9–15

It’s the first day of school. You have your cool new backpack, you’re wearing your new shoes, and you are excited to start the school year. You walk through the door of your school, into your classroom, and boom! You get really nervous. There’s a whole new group of kids that you don’t know in this class. Sure, you know some of them, but they aren’t sitting next to you and you start to get upset. You know you can make new friends, but you’re scared. Will you sit facing forward all day or will you turn and meet the kids next to you? What do you think God would want you to do?

What should we do in these situations? Gideon had faced a scary situation when his small army of three hundred went out to fight the very big Midianite army. God knew Gideon was afraid and so He told Gideon to sneak down to the Midianite camp and listen to what the soldiers were saying. Gideon and his servant, Purah, overheard one Midianite soldier tell another soldier about a dream he had. A big loaf of bread tumbled down and crushed one of their tents! The other soldier said that must mean Gideon would be victorious over them. That sounds like a funny dream, but it gave Gideon great confidence. God knew Gideon was afraid. God used the soldier’s dream to show Gideon that He would be with him in the battle. God believed in Gideon and was with him.

Think about it:

Question 1. Why did God tell Gideon to sneak into the enemy’s camp?
Answer 1. Because Gideon was still afraid (Judges 7:10–11)

Question 2. What happened in the Midiante soldier’s dream that Gideon and his servant overheard?
Answer 2. A loaf of bread tumbled into the Midianite camp and knocked a tent flat. (Judges 7:13)

Question 3. What did the dream mean?
Answer 3. That God had given Gideon victory over Midian and their allies. (Judges 7:14)

Question 4. What did Gideon do right away after hearing the dream’s interpretation?
Answer 4. He bowed in worship before the Lord. (Judges 7:15)

Question 5. How does Gideon seem to feel after hearing the dream and its meaning?
Answer 5. He was confident that the Lord had given Israel victory. (Judges 7:15)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•When you feel afraid, God already knows about it and you can talk to Him. Who else can you talk to?
•If you trust God, He will give you the courage to face your fears. How has He already done that for you?

Pray about It:
God, thank You that when You assign us to do something, You do it with us. We are never alone. When we’re afraid, we should remember that You are with us. We believe in You! Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact:
God believes in me.

Faith Verse:
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

Question of the Day:
Who do you ask for help?

Judges 7:15–22

Life comes with a lot of pressure—pressure to do well in school, to be a good son or daughter, brother or sister, to remember to do chores, and a whole lot more. We can feel like we’re doing it all on our own. That’s when we have to remember that God is with us. We are never alone. When we remember that, we can give that pressure to God and let Him lead us. He carries us in His arms! (Psalm 68:19)

Gideon must have felt a lot of pressure when God told him to rescue Israel from the Midianites. He may have even felt all alone. And it didn’t help when God brought the army of thirty-two thousand down to only three hundred men. But Gideon wasn’t alone. He was far from it! The God of heaven and earth was with him and led Israel to victory. With just three hundred men, ram’s horns, clay jars, and torches, God used the Israelites to conquer the army of Midian! Whatever problem you’re facing, God is with you. If you live your life for Him, He will be with you and give you victory.

Think about it:
Question 1. How many groups did Gideon divide his three hundred men into?
Answer 1. Three groups of one hundred men each (Judges 7:16)

Question 2. What did Gideon give each man?
Answer 2. A ram’s horn, a clay jar, and a torch (Judges 7:16)

Question 3. When Gideon blew his ram’s horn, what did the rest of the men do?
Answer 3. They blew their horns, broke their jars, and shouted, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!” (Judges 7:20)

Question 4. What happened when the Israelites did this?
Answer 4. The Midianites ran around shouting in a panic and tried to escape. (Judges 7:21)

Question 5. What did the Midianites do to each other after the Israelites blew their horns?
Answer 5. They fought each other. (Judges 7:22)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•Do you think it was Gideon’s power that saved the Israelites? Who won the victory over the Midianites—Gideon or God?
•What is something in your life that you need God to help you with?

Pray about It:
God, thank You that we don’t face problems alone. You go before us and are always with us. We give You our problems and our difficulties. You will be victorious and receive the glory. Thank You for believing in us. We love You! Amen.