Day 1

Faith Fact:
God is the one true God.

Faith Verse:
"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father."
Matthew 5:16

Question of the Day:
Should you worship more than one god?

Exodus 20:3; 1 Kings 18:16–21; 21:4–5

These Bible verses in 1 Kings talk about how the people of Israel had been worshipping false gods. They had followed their wicked King Ahab and his gods, and had stopped following the commands of the one true God. Elijah decided to ask the people and King Ahab about their worship to false gods. He told them that they needed to make a choice of which god they wanted to serve and follow.

The Bible clearly says that we are not to worship other gods and are to remain faithful to the one true God. We have to make a choice. You might be thinking, “I don’t worship any other gods.” You may not worship other gods like the people of Israel were doing, but anything or anyone who becomes more important to us than God can become a “god” in our lives. What are some things you find yourself choosing to do instead of spending time with God? Those are things that may become “gods” if you aren’t careful. That’s why it’s so important to spend time with God every single day.

Think about it:
Question 1. What is the first of the Ten Commandments?
Answer 1. You must not have any other god but me [the one true God]. (Exodus 20:3)

Question 2. What did Elijah accuse the people of Israel and their king of doing?
Answer 2. He accused them of abandoning the Lord’s commands and following the Baals. (1 Kings 18:18)

Question 3. Who were the wicked king and queen of Israel during the time of Elijah?
Answer 3. Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 21:4–5)

Question 4. Where did Elijah ask to meet the people?
Answer 4. Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:19)

Question 5. What did the people say when Elijah accused them of going back and forth between following God and Baal?
Answer 5. They were silent. (1 Kings 18:21)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•Do you think it was okay for the Israelites to worship other gods?
•Do you find yourself choosing to do other things instead of spending time with God?
•What other things have become “gods” in your life?
•How can you make spending time with God every day the most important thing?

Pray about it:
God, thank You for being understanding when I lose my focus on You. Help me to set aside distraction-free time to spend with You each day. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact:
God is the one true God.

Faith Verse:
"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father."
Matthew 5:16

Question of the Day:
Is the God of the Israelites, the same one we serve, the one true God?

1 Kings 18:22–29

Maybe you know someone who believes in a different god(s), or maybe you know or someone who doesn’t believe that there is a God at all. Their different beliefs may be confusing and make you question whether you are right about what you believe.

The people of Israel were uncertain about this as well. They didn’t know if the God they had been serving for hundreds of years was really the one true God. Other nations and their religions had confused the Israelites and made them believe that there were other gods worth worshipping. They thought they could worship God and those other gods at the same time.

Elijah was ready to prove to them once and for all that God was the one true God. When the prophets of Baal shouted and danced around their altar all day long, nothing happened. That alone would have been enough to prove that Baal wasn’t listening. However, God proved to the Israelites and everyone else that He was the one true God.

Think about it:
Question 1. What is a prophet?
Answer 1. A prophet is a person whom God has chosen to speak for Him in a special way through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 18:18; Judges 4:4; 1 Samuel 19:20; Acts 2:17)

Question 2. How many of God’s prophets were left?
Answer 2. Elijah is the one we know about for sure (1 Kings 18:22)

Question 3. What did Elijah challenge the prophets of Baal to do?
Answer 3. He challenged them to build an altar and call on their god to set fire to it. (1 Kings 18:23–24)

Question 4. Who went first in the challenge?
Answer 4. The prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:25)

Question 5. What happened when the prophets called on Baal?
Answer 5. Nothing (1 Kings 18:26–29)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•Do you know someone who believes in a different religion or god? What do they believe in?
•Have you ever tried to share with them about your God? Why or why not?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for being the one true God. I don’t need to follow or worship anyone or anything else because You are all I need. Please help me to be bold about telling my friends who don’t believe in You everything about You. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact:
God is the one true God.

Faith Verse:
"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father."
Matthew 5:16

Question of the Day:
How can you show your faith in God?

1 Kings 18:30–35

Elijah didn’t just build an altar and call out to God to set it on fire. He went above and beyond to create an over-the-top miracle for all the people of Israel to see. He took twelve stones to represent the twelve tribes of Israel to build the altar to the Lord. He made sure that the altar was completely drenched in water by having four large jars of water poured all over the altar, not once but three times. None of these details were part of the original deal with the prophets of Baal, but Elijah decided to go above and beyond.

His faith in God was strong that God would do what He had promised—to set the sacrifice on fire. Elijah didn’t doubt God at all, and he went above and beyond to prove it to the people of Israel. That is the kind of faith God is looking for in all of us who follow Him.

Think about it:
Question 1. How many stones did Elijah use to build the altar?
Answer 1. Twelve stones (1 Kings 18:31)

Question 2. What did the twelve stones represent?
Answer 2. The twelve tribes of Israel (1 Kings 18:31)

Question 3. What did Elijah dig around the altar?
Answer 3. A trench to hold water (1 Kings 18:32)

Question 4. How many jars of water did Elijah have poured on the altar?
Answer 4. He had four jars of water filled to pour over the sacrifice. (1 Kings 18:33)

Question 5. How many times did Elijah have them pour four jars of water on the altar?
Answer 5. Three times (1 Kings 18:34)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•What is one reason you have faith in God?
•What is something you can do to show God you have complete faith in Him?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for giving me faith to believe in You. Help me to go above and beyond in my faith in You just like Elijah. Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact:
God is the one true God.

Faith Verse:
"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father."
Matthew 5:16

Question of the Day:
How powerful is God?

1 Kings 18:24, 30–39

When Elijah prayed to God, he didn’t shout, dance, or do anything else like the prophets of Baal. After he prepared the altar, the Bible says that he simply stepped forward and prayed. He asked God to make His power and existence known to the people of Israel so they would turn their hearts back to following Him.

That’s all it took for God to show up that day—a simple prayer! God didn’t just light the sacrifice on fire; He burned up everything with His supernatural fire. When the people saw God’s power at work that day, they fell on their faces and declared that God was the one true God. They would no longer follow Baal and his false prophets. Can you imagine being there on that day? God’s power was so evident and real! God is omnipotent—He has all power and can do anything.

It can be harder for us to remember just how powerful our God is if we haven’t seen Him light anything on fire lately. God is still performing miracles and showing up for us. We just need to be listening for His voice and praying for His power to be revealed to us.

Think about it:
Question 1. On Mount Carmel, why did Elijah ask God to consume the sacrifice with fire?
Answer 1. So that all of Israel would know that God was really God. (1 Kings 18:30–39)

Question 2. What did Elijah do to call on God?
Answer 2. He stepped forward to the altar and prayed. (1 Kings 18:36)

Question 3. What do we mean when we say that God is omnipotent?
Answer 3. God is all-powerful.

Question 4. What happened immediately after Elijah prayed?
Answer 4. The fire of the Lord fell and burned up everything. (1 Kings 18:38)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•How did God reveal His power to the Israelites?
•How have you seen God’s power at work in your life or in the lives of your family?
•What is something you would like to ask God to do that only He could do?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for being so powerful and for revealing Your power to me through Your Word. Please allow me to see Your power at work in my life. Amen.