Day 1

Faith Fact:
God wants me to trust Him.
Faith Verse:
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NLT)
“For we live by believing and not by seeing.”

Question of the Day:
Does God keep His promises?

2 Corinthians 1:19–22

One of the great things about the Bible is that it’s full of stories about real people who God made a promise to and then kept it. Over and over, we can read that God keeps His promises. As you read the Bible, your faith will grow, knowing that you can trust God in every situation. God would never lie—He is truth.

Sometimes doubt will try to break your faith in God. Reading verses like the ones we just did will remind you that He keeps His promises. You can trust that God has made promises that have already been fulfilled through Jesus. You are just waiting to see them appear in your life.

Think about it:
Question 1. Can you trust that God will do everything He says?
Answer 1. Yes, He does everything He says. (2 Corinthians 1:19)

Question 2. What’s one thing you can read or listen to that will help you remember God keeps His promises?
Answer 2. Stories from the Bible, stories from other followers of Jesus

Question 3. Who did God use to fulfill His promises?
Answer 3. Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Question 4. What has God given us as proof that He will keep His promises to us?
Answer 4. His Holy Spirit in our heart (2 Corinthians 1:22)

Question 5. What do you think the Bible means when it says that Jesus doesn’t “waver between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ ”?
Answer 5. It means that Jesus doesn’t flip-flop or change His mind about what God has promised. (2 Corinthians 1:19)

Talk about It:
•How does it make you feel to know that God keeps all His promises?
•How can reading or hearing the Bible help you trust God more?
•What is something you noticed in the verses you read today?

Pray about it:
God, thank You for always being faithful and never lying to me. Thank You that I can always trust that You are taking care of me. Help me not to forget the promises in Your Word. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact:
God wants me to trust Him.
Faith Verse:
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NLT)
“For we live by believing and not by seeing.”

Question of the Day:
Can I trust God?

Isaiah 26:3–8

There are times when people we trust may break a promise. But we can trust and know that God is faithful and will always do everything He has promised. He is worthy of our faith and trust. Faithfulness is part of the very nature of God, and He will always be the One you can fully trust.

When problems come and the future seems uncertain, we can take comfort in the promises of God. We know that He is always with us, listening to our prayers, and working everything for our good. When the world around us is uncertain, it’s good to know we can always trust in God because He is faithful.

Think about it:
Question 1. What does God provide to those who trust in Him?
Answer 1. Peace (Isaiah 26:3)

Question 2. What word describes God and our ability to have faith or trust in Him?
Answer 2. Faithful

Question 3. What does God do to those who are prideful and trust in themselves rather than Him?
Answer 3. He humbles them. (Isaiah 26:5)

Question 4. Based on Isaiah 26:7, what can we trust about everything God does?
Answer 4. He always does what is right. (Isaiah 26:7)

Question 5. How did Isaiah 26:8 say we can show our trust to God?
Answer 5. We show our trust in Him when we obey His laws. (Isaiah 26:8)

Talk about It:
•Why do you think we have peace when we trust God?
•Have you ever wondered if you could trust God in a particular situation?
•How does it feel to know that God is always there for you?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for the peace that comes from knowing I can trust You in every situation. Even though I don’t always know what is going to happen, I trust that You have everything under control. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact:
God wants me to trust Him.

Faith Verse:
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NLT)
“For we live by believing and not by seeing.”

Question of the Day:
How did God restore His people?

Ezra 1:1–4

When the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and took most of the people captive, God promised to one day bring His people back. Even though a long time had passed, God kept His word as He always does. When we think about how God kept His promise to the Jewish people, we can know that He will keep His promises to us too.

In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we can see how God kept His promise to bring the Jewish people back from exile to their home country. We see how God provided for the rebuilding of the temple and the wall of Jerusalem. God kept His promises as the people listened and obeyed what He told them.

Think about it:
Question 1. What two Bible books record the story of God bringing His people back home from captivity?
Answer 1. Ezra and Nehemiah

Question 2. What king did God influence to allow the people to go back?
Answer 2. King Cyrus of Persia (Ezra 1:1)

Question 3. What prophet did God use to promise that His people would one day return home?
Answer 3. Jeremiah (Ezra 1:1)

Question 4. Who did Cyrus say gave him the authority to rule over kingdoms?
Answer 4. God (Ezra 1:2)

Question 5. What important task did God appoint to Cyrus and His people when the people returned to Jerusalem?
Answer 5. Rebuilding the temple (Ezra 1:2)

Talk about It:
•How does reading about God keeping promises in the Bible help you trust Him in your life?
•Is it important to read God’s Word and obey what it written in it? Why?

Pray about It:
Thank You God for showing me how You kept Your promises to Your people. I trust You will keep Your promises to me. Help me to read and study Your Word and always obey what is in it. Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact:
God wants me to trust Him.

Faith Verse:
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NLT)
“For we live by believing and not by seeing.”

Question of the Day:
What does my future look like?

John 14:1–6

One of the biggest things people worry about is the future. As Christians, the Bible shows us that our future is filled with God’s promises. One of the most incredible promises is that when this life ends, we can have eternal life through Jesus. We know that one day He will come back for us so we can spend forever with Him.

Some people only think about what things will look like in heaven with God. But the more important part is who will be there. Of course, God the Father and His Son, Jesus, will be there. Many amazing people from the Bible will be there. Everyone who put their faith in Jesus will be there. It will be the most amazing gathering of God’s people ever!

Think about it:
Question 1. Who did Jesus tell His disciples to trust so that their hearts wouldn’t worry?
Answer 1. Him and God (John 14:1)

Question 2. Where was Jesus going to prepare a place for His followers?
Answer 2. In His Father’s home (John 14:2)

Question 3. Who will go to God’s home one day?
Answer 3. Everyone who puts their faith in Jesus

Question 4. When did Jesus say that He would return for His followers?
Answer 4. When things are ready (John 14:3)

Question 5. Who did Jesus say is the way to life and the Father?
Answer 5. Jesus said He is the way. (John 14:6)

Talk about It:
•Who is someone in the Bible that you’d like to talk to one day in God’s home?
•How does knowing that you get to spend forever with Jesus make you feel? Why?
•Does knowing God’s promise about your future help you worry less about it?

Pray about It:
Thank You Jesus for preparing a place for me in Your Father’s house. I am excited to see it someday and to spend eternity with You. Remind me to tell others about You so they can join us. Amen.