Day 1

Faith Fact:
Nothing is impossible for God.

Faith Verse:
John 14:6(NLT)
“Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Question of the Day:
How do you ask God for help?

Mark 5:21–23

The way we ask God for help shows how much faith we have in His ability to do what we are asking Him to do. For example, how do you ask your parents when you want them to give you something you really want? You spend time coming up with a plan and explaining the reasons you need what you are asking for. You might beg or even cry to try to get your point across. Do you do the same thing with God?

When Jairus came to Jesus to ask Him to heal his daughter, he came with an urgent need when he asked. He fell at Jesus’ feet and begged Him to come heal his daughter. Kneeling while you pray is a great way to remember that God is our King. He may not require us to beg or plead with Him to get what we’re asking for, but He does want us to be honest with Him about how we are feeling. If you are sad, desperate, or hurting, tell God about it. He wants to be there for you and help you with your problem.

Think about it:
Question 1. What did Jesus do before He got to the shore?
Answer 1. He got into the boat and went back to the other side of the lake. (Mark 5:21)

Question 2. What was the name of the leader of the local synagogue who came to Jesus?
Answer 2. Jairus (Mark 5:22)

Question 3. What did Jairus do when he saw Jesus?
Answer 3. He fell at Jesus’ feet. (Mark 5:22)

Question 4. What did Jairus want Jesus to do for him?
Answer 4. He wanted Jesus to come and heal his daughter. (Mark 5:23)

Question 5. How sick was Jairus’s daughter?
Answer 5. She was dying. (Mark 5:23)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•How do you ask for things when you really want them?
•Do you talk to God that way when you are asking for His help?
•What is something you need to ask God for right now? Does it seem impossible? Why or why not?

Pray about it:
God, thank You for listening to my prayers. Help me to remember that I can come to You and be completely honest about my feelings and what I need. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact:
Nothing is impossible for God.

Faith Verse:
John 14:6(NLT)
“Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Question of the Day:
Who do you go to when you need help?

Mark 5:24–26

When something bad happens or you are facing something difficult, what is your first response? (Allow responses.). Who do you go to when you need help? (Allow responses.) Friends are great to talk to, but they may give you bad or unhelpful advice or they may not know. Parents, leaders, and pastors are all here to help you, but no one can replace God. God might use someone in your life to give you advice about something you are facing, but they can’t fix it. God is the only One who is capable of helping us and doing the impossible for us.

The woman in our Bible story had suffered for twelve years with a sickness that seemed impossible. When she went to other people to help her, it actually got worse instead of better. We can save ourselves a lot of trouble by going to God first when we need help. His answer may not be what we thought we needed, but we can trust Him to always do what is best. He sees our past, present, and future and knows exactly what we need.

Think about it:
Question 1. Who followed Jesus and Jairus?
Answer 1. All the people in the crowd (Mark 5:24)

Question 2. How long had the woman had the problem of constant bleeding?
Answer 2. Twelve years (Mark 5:25)

Question 3. Who had the woman gone to first?
Answer 3. Doctors (Mark 5:26)

Question 4. After twelve years of looking for solutions, had the woman gotten better or worse?
Answer 4. Worse (Mark 5:26)

Talk about It:
•What was most important to you in today’s devotion?
•Who should you go to for help when you have a problem or a decision to make?
•Does God use other people to help us sometimes? Has that ever happened for you?
•Is there a problem that you need to ask for God’s help with? Can we pray with you for that problem?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for that we can turn to You with all our problems. Help us to remember that You know our past, present, and future and that You know exactly what we need every moment. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact:
Nothing is impossible for God.

Faith Verse:
John 14:6(NLT)
“Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Question of the Day:
Do you believe that God can do the impossible for you?

Mark 5:27–29

You may have heard the phrase, “Nothing is impossible with God,” many times. Matthew 19:26 says, “Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.’ ” That’s an amazing statement! With God everything is possible. Do you really believe that is true for you or was it only for the people in the Bible? We read about all the amazing things God did for His people in the Old Testament and all the amazing miracles Jesus did in the New Testament, but do we believe that He can still do the impossible today?

We may not see as many obvious miracles as there were in Bible times, so it can be easy to question whether or not God still does miracles. If you have never seen a miracle with your own eyes, doubt can come and tell you that God isn’t who He says He is in the Bible. The Bible is clear that we are blessed because we believe in Him even though we have not seen what the people in the Bible saw. Allow your faith to grow. Trust God more and more. Wait and see what God will do in your life when you continue to believe in Him.

Think about it:
Question 1. What did the woman do because she had heard about Jesus?
Answer 1. She came up behind Him and touched His robe. (Mark 5:27)

Question 2. Why did she touch Jesus’ robe?
Answer 2. She thought that if she touched His robe, she would be healed. (Mark 5:28)

Question 3. What happened after the woman touched Jesus’ robe?
Answer 3. The bleeding stopped and she was healed immediately. (Mark 5:29)

Question 4. Is there any sickness or illness that God cannot heal?
Answer 4. No, nothing is impossible for God. (Matthew 19:26)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion make you think about?
•What is a need you would consider impossible?
•What is an impossible situation in your life? Have you talked to God about that situation? Why or why not?
•Is it hard to believe that God can do the impossible when you pray and nothing seems to happen? Why or why not?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for being a God who can do the impossible. Help my faith to be strong enough to believe in You even when it seems like nothing is happening. Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact:
Nothing is impossible for God.

Faith Verse:
John 14:6(NLT)
“Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

Question of the Day:
Do you believe that God cares about you personally?

Mark 5:30–34

You have probably been told that God cares about you, but have you ever stopped to really think about what that means? Have you ever thought about how many people there are in the world? In case you were wondering, there are approximately 7.8 billion people in the world right now. That’s right, billion! How can God possibly care about each of those people, listen to them, and know them personally?

We will never fully understand how big and infinite God really is until we get to heaven. When we think about it from our human perspective it seems completely impossible, but remember, nothing is impossible for God! He isn’t a person, and He doesn’t think or do things the same way we do. Isaiah 55:8 says, “ ‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the Lord. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.’ ” We can’t understand how God cares about each of the 7.8 billion people in the world personally, but He can and does.

Think about it:
Question 1. When did Jesus realize that someone had been healed?
Answer 1. At once (Mark 5:30)

Question 2. What did Jesus ask the crowd when He realized that healing power had gone out from Him?
Answer 2. “Who touched my robe?” (Mark 5:30)

Question 3. Why were the disciples confused by Jesus’ question?
Answer 3. Because the crowd was pressing around Him and anyone could have touched Him (Mark 5:31)

Question 4. How did the woman feel when she received her healing?
Answer 4. She was frightened and trembling at the miracle. (Mark 5:32)

Question 5. What did Jesus say to the woman who had been healed?
Answer 5. “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” (Mark 5:34)

Talk about It:
•Do you know someone who needs Jesus as this woman did? Can you tell that person how Jesus cared for this woman?
•Do you believe that God cares about you personally?
•What has God done for you? What has God done for your family?
•How can you share with others the fact that God cares?

Pray about It:
God, thank You for caring about me and loving me in a personal way. Please help everyone I know to be aware that You care about them, too. Amen.