Day 1

Faith Fact
Jesus shows me how to live.

Faith Verse
Romans 5:8 (NLT)
“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

Question of the Day:
Who did Jesus love?

Mark 10:13–16; Luke 4:18; John 13:1

The Bible shows us that Jesus didn’t just teach about love, but He showed it in His daily times with others. Jesus showed love to everyone. We know that Jesus loved all kinds of people, including those who were not loved by others. The world that Jesus lived in was like ours in some ways. Many people didn’t like certain people because of their age, race, gender, religious background, or some other reason. Jesus loves everyone and showed it in every aspect of His ministry.

Think about it:
Question 1. Based on the Bible verses we read, who are some people Jesus showed love to?
Answer 1. His disciples, children, the poor, those in captivity, the blind, and the oppressed.

Question 2. How did Jesus show love to children?
Answer 2. Jesus welcomed them and and blessed them. (Mark 10:14–16)

Question 3. What did Jesus provide for the poor?
Answer 3. The good news of salvation (Luke 4:18)

Question 4. In Luke 4:18, what did Jesus mean when He said that He came so “the blind will see”?
Answer 4. God can heal blind eyes and heal those who are blinded by sin and unable to see the freedom God offers. (Luke 4:18)

Talk about It:
•What did today’s devotion tell you about Jesus’ love for others?
•What are some ways you can show love to everyone like Jesus does?
•Why is it sometimes hard to love people who are different from us?

Pray about it:
God, thank You for sending Jesus to show us Your love. Help me to love people around me, even people that I might not naturally want to love. I want to love others because You love me. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact
Jesus shows me how to live.

Faith Verse
Romans 5:8 (NLT)
“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

Question of the Day:
How did Jesus show His love?

Matthew 9:36; Matthew 15:32; John 15:9–17

It’s easy to say that you love someone. But if you truly mean it, your actions will show it. Jesus didn’t just teach about love—He showed it in the way He lived and how He helped others. Jesus often felt compassion for people in need and acted to help them. Compassion is a feeling of concern for others when they are hurting or in need. Jesus showed compassion and helped others because He loved them. He does the same for us when we are in need or hurting.

Think about it:
Question 1. In Matthew 9:36, why did Jesus have compassion for the crowds of people who had come to hear Him?
Answer 1. The people were confused, helpless, and needed a leader to care for them.

Question 2. Why did Jesus take time to respond to the hungry people around Him in Matthew 15:32?
Answer 2. Jesus understood their physical needs and had compassion on them.

Question 3. What would have happened if Jesus hadn’t fed the crowd?
Answer 3. They were hungry because they had been with Him for three days and they had no food. He knew that if He sent them away, they couldn’t make it home because they were so hungry. (Matthew 15:32)

Question 4. What did Jesus say is the greatest example of love a person can show for others?
Answer 4. To willingly give their life for someone else (John 15:13)

Question 5. Why did Jesus die for us?
Answer 5. He considers us His friends. (John 15:13).

Talk about it:
•How did today’s devotion challenge you to help others?
•Can the people around you see that you love them by your actions?

Pray about It
Thank You God for sending Your Son as an example of love. Help me to show love to others by serving them the way that Jesus did. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact
Jesus shows me how to live.

Faith Verse
Romans 5:8 (NLT)
“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

Question of the Day:
Should I love others?

John 13:34–35; 1 John 4:7–8

On the last night of His life, Jesus spent time teaching His disciples. He wanted them to understand that the best way to prove their love for Him was to love other people.

The Bible tells us that love is very important to God. Jesus gave His disciples a clear commandment to love each other. When we have experienced God’s love and grace, we should tell those around us about it. As we show love, they will know that we are followers of Jesus. He loved us so much that He gave His life for us. He wants us to share that love with those around us.

Think about it:
Question 1. What was the new commandment Jesus gave His disciples in John 13:34?
Answer 1. Love each other.

Question 2. What example did Jesus give His disciples for loving others?
Answer 2. His own love for them (John 13:34)

Question 3. What did Jesus say is the clearest sign that we really are His disciples?
Answer 3. Our love for one another (John 13:35)

Question 4. Where does love come from?
Answer 4. God (1 John 4:7)

Question 5. Can we be a Christian and not love others?
Answer 5. No. God is love, and those who are born of God (Christians) will naturally love others. Anyone who doesn’t love others doesn’t know God. (1 John 4:7–8).

Talk about it:
•How has God shown His love for you?
•Do you know someone you need to show more love to? How could you do that this week?

Pray about It
God, help me to love others with the same love You have for me. I know that as I understand Your love more and more it will help me be able to love others the same way. Amen.

Day 4

Faith Fact
Jesus shows me how to live.

Faith Verse
Romans 5:8 (NLT)
“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

Question of the Day:
How can I have more love?

1 Corinthians 13:1–7

One of the biggest questions the Bible helps to answer is: “What is love?” In 1 Corinthians we find an entire chapter that talks about that question. It tells us all the things that love is. When we show God’s love more and more in our life, we start to show these characteristics. After reading these verses, think about the ways God has shown His love for you in the ways described here. God’s love for us provides a perfect pattern for the ways we should show love to others.

Think about it:
Question 1. What two words are used in 1 Corinthians 13:4 to describe love?
Answer 1. Patient and kind.

Question 2. List some of the things this passage says that love is not.
Answer 2. Love is not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. It doesn’t demand its own way or or become irritable. (1 Corinthians 13:4–5)

Question 3. What does it mean that love “keeps no record of being wronged”?
Answer 3. Love doesn’t hold grudges. It is forgiving, willing to forget wrongs done against us. (1 Corinthians 13:5)

Question 4. According to 1 Corinthians 13:6, what causes love to rejoice?
Answer 4. Love rejoices when “the truth wins out.” When the truth is told and people are honest with one another, love rejoices.

Question 5. What are four more characteristics of love?
Answer 5. “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” (1 Corinthians 13:7)

Talk about it:
•What is one way you’re good at showing love to others?
•What is an area that you need God’s help in?

Pray about It
God, thank You for showing me the way I can love others. Please help me to continue showing love to others and be more aware of the areas You are helping me with. Amen.