Day 1
Faith Fact:
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
Can I live for God when no one else does?
Genesis 6:5-13
Think for a moment about your favorite superhero. Why is that superhero your favorite? Maybe you like them because they are super strong, incredibly fast, or maybe they can fly. Maybe they are brave in the face of danger, or maybe they can lift an entire car. Even though they all have different superpowers, they all have one thing in common. They stand up for what is right-- even if no one else is. That is why we call them a "hero".
God has given us an opportunity to stand for Him and live for Him even when no one around us does. We see an example of this when we look at the life of Noah. He was a regular person just like you and me. He loved God in a world full of people who didn't. You might be the only one who loves God in your group of friends, or in your classes at school. God wants you to know that He will help you follow Him even if no one around you is.
Talk About It:
Pray About It:
God, I want to live for You all of my life. I know it won't always be easy, but with Your help I can do it. Help me to stand for what is right even when others don't. Give me Your strength to do the right thing and help me to find favor with You. Amen.
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
Can I live for God when no one else does?
Genesis 6:5-13
Think for a moment about your favorite superhero. Why is that superhero your favorite? Maybe you like them because they are super strong, incredibly fast, or maybe they can fly. Maybe they are brave in the face of danger, or maybe they can lift an entire car. Even though they all have different superpowers, they all have one thing in common. They stand up for what is right-- even if no one else is. That is why we call them a "hero".
God has given us an opportunity to stand for Him and live for Him even when no one around us does. We see an example of this when we look at the life of Noah. He was a regular person just like you and me. He loved God in a world full of people who didn't. You might be the only one who loves God in your group of friends, or in your classes at school. God wants you to know that He will help you follow Him even if no one around you is.
Talk About It:
- What did today’s devotion make you think about?
- How can you live for God?
- How do you think Noah felt living for God in a world full of people who weren't living for Him?
Pray About It:
God, I want to live for You all of my life. I know it won't always be easy, but with Your help I can do it. Help me to stand for what is right even when others don't. Give me Your strength to do the right thing and help me to find favor with You. Amen.
Day 2
Faith Fact:
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
Does God use people in His plan?
Genesis 6:14-22; Genesis 7:1-8
A freshly baked cake is one of the greatest smells ever. What makes it even better is when you get to be a part of baking it!!! Has anyone ever asked for your help or let you help them when they were baking? Your job might have been cracking the eggs or measuring the flour. Maybe you had the best job and got to lick yummy cake batter off the beaters. It's always fun and special when someone lets us help them do something fun!
Noah for to be a part of one of the greatest projects ever. God has seen the way Noah lived, and He knew that He could trust Noah. God didn't need Noah for His plan to come together. We know that God is powerful enough to have spoken and made something happen. Still God chose Noah to be a part of His plan.
Talk about It:
Pray about It:
God, I am so excited that You use people in Your plans!! I want to be someone that You can use. Help me to live my life the way You want me to. I will be ready when You ask me to be a part of what You are doing. Just like Noah, I want my answer to be yes and do everything exactly the way You tell me to. Amen.
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
Does God use people in His plan?
Genesis 6:14-22; Genesis 7:1-8
A freshly baked cake is one of the greatest smells ever. What makes it even better is when you get to be a part of baking it!!! Has anyone ever asked for your help or let you help them when they were baking? Your job might have been cracking the eggs or measuring the flour. Maybe you had the best job and got to lick yummy cake batter off the beaters. It's always fun and special when someone lets us help them do something fun!
Noah for to be a part of one of the greatest projects ever. God has seen the way Noah lived, and He knew that He could trust Noah. God didn't need Noah for His plan to come together. We know that God is powerful enough to have spoken and made something happen. Still God chose Noah to be a part of His plan.
Talk about It:
- ·What is the most exciting thing about God using people as part of His plan?
- How can God use you?
- Have you ever seen God use other people?
Pray about It:
God, I am so excited that You use people in Your plans!! I want to be someone that You can use. Help me to live my life the way You want me to. I will be ready when You ask me to be a part of what You are doing. Just like Noah, I want my answer to be yes and do everything exactly the way You tell me to. Amen.
Day 3
Faith Fact:
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
How does God feel about sin?
Genesis 6:5-7; Genesis 7:6-21; Genesis 8:13-15; Genesis 9:12-16
Have you ever tried to mix oil and water? It just doesn't work! The oil sticker together and floats on top. Even when you shake it with all your might, it just moves in blobs. No matter how hard you try, water and oil just won't mix. God and sin are the same way. God is holy. He is perfect!! He just doesn't mix with sin. Sin separates people from God, and that is why it breaks His heart!
We have read that there was a BIG problems with sin in the world. Everywhere God looked people were doing evil, but not Noah. God was so sad that sin was everywhere, but He had a plan to save Noah and his family. Through the flood, God kept Noah safe and gave us a promise of hope for the future.
Talk about It:
Pray about It:
God, I know that I am not perfect, but You are. I need Your help, because I don't want to live a life full of sin. I want to live a life like Noah, one that is righteous and blameless. I don't want sin to separate me from You. I want to be close to You forever. Amen.
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
How does God feel about sin?
Genesis 6:5-7; Genesis 7:6-21; Genesis 8:13-15; Genesis 9:12-16
Have you ever tried to mix oil and water? It just doesn't work! The oil sticker together and floats on top. Even when you shake it with all your might, it just moves in blobs. No matter how hard you try, water and oil just won't mix. God and sin are the same way. God is holy. He is perfect!! He just doesn't mix with sin. Sin separates people from God, and that is why it breaks His heart!
We have read that there was a BIG problems with sin in the world. Everywhere God looked people were doing evil, but not Noah. God was so sad that sin was everywhere, but He had a plan to save Noah and his family. Through the flood, God kept Noah safe and gave us a promise of hope for the future.
Talk about It:
- ·What did today’s devotion make you think of?
- How does God feel about sin?
- How does sin affect our relationship with God?
Pray about It:
God, I know that I am not perfect, but You are. I need Your help, because I don't want to live a life full of sin. I want to live a life like Noah, one that is righteous and blameless. I don't want sin to separate me from You. I want to be close to You forever. Amen.
Day 4
Faith Fact:
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
How does it feel to ask for forgiveness?
Psalm 51:1-14
Have you ever had someone apologize to you, but you just knew it wasn't real? Maybe they hurt you or cheated at something you were doing together. Maybe a parent or a teacher sent them over to say they were sorry to you. But they barely said it loud enough for you to hear them. They didn't look you in the eye or take time to hear your response. They might have even gone right back to doing the same thing they were doing before. There's a big difference between that and a real apology. A real apology is when someone tells you they are sorry for what they did, that they will try not to do it again, and that they really care about your feelings.
The truth is, we will all mess up sometimes. We all sin. No one is perfect. But when we do sin, it is important to mean it when we ask God to forgive us. He loves us so much and will forgive us when we ask. We can show Him our love by meaning what we say, and changing the way we ac two that we don't do it again. Todays Bible reading is an example of a king asking God for forgiveness for something he had done that was wrong. The king knew how much God loved him and how special it is to be forgiven by God.
Talk about It:
Pray about It:
God, please show me any part of my life that isn't the way You want it to be. Please forgive me for any sins that I have done. Thank You for loving and forgiving me. Help me to show forgiveness to people around me. Amen.
God wants me to obey.
Faith Verse:
“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NLT)
Question of the day:
How does it feel to ask for forgiveness?
Psalm 51:1-14
Have you ever had someone apologize to you, but you just knew it wasn't real? Maybe they hurt you or cheated at something you were doing together. Maybe a parent or a teacher sent them over to say they were sorry to you. But they barely said it loud enough for you to hear them. They didn't look you in the eye or take time to hear your response. They might have even gone right back to doing the same thing they were doing before. There's a big difference between that and a real apology. A real apology is when someone tells you they are sorry for what they did, that they will try not to do it again, and that they really care about your feelings.
The truth is, we will all mess up sometimes. We all sin. No one is perfect. But when we do sin, it is important to mean it when we ask God to forgive us. He loves us so much and will forgive us when we ask. We can show Him our love by meaning what we say, and changing the way we ac two that we don't do it again. Todays Bible reading is an example of a king asking God for forgiveness for something he had done that was wrong. The king knew how much God loved him and how special it is to be forgiven by God.
Talk about It:
- ·What is the most exciting thing you learned in today’s devotion?
- How does it make you feel to be truly sorry for something you have done wrong?
- How does it feel when you know that God has forgiven you?
Pray about It:
God, please show me any part of my life that isn't the way You want it to be. Please forgive me for any sins that I have done. Thank You for loving and forgiving me. Help me to show forgiveness to people around me. Amen.