Day 1

Faith Fact
We believe that... the Bible is God's Word and His plan for me.

Faith Verse
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
"Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength."

The Bible is God's Word and His plan for me. God gave people the words to write so we can know Him. The Bible is completely true and is the final authority on what we should believe and how we should live.

Question of the Day:
How does God connect with us?

Pray and ask God to speak to you before you read today’s Scripture.

Read Exodus 19:1–8.

From the very beginning, God wanted to connect with people. The Book of Exodus is about how God led His people, the Israelites, out of Egypt. He wanted a close relationship with them.

Think about it:
How did God connect with people in this passage?
Answer: God spoke with Moses and gave him instructions and a promise to share with His people (Exodus 19:3, 5–6).

LEARN from God’s Word
In Exodus 19:5, what did God say He would call His people if they obeyed?
Answer: His own special treasure

What must we do to be God’s special treasure according to this verse?
Answer: We must obey God.
Talk about it:
When we obey God, we can be His special treasure. The Bible shows us how God wants us to live for Him. He connects with us through His Word.

What is one way God wants you to obey Him that is hard for you?
Answer: Answers will vary.

How can you change that, so you can obey Him in this way?
Answer: Answers will vary.

Pray about it:
Dear God, thank You for wanting to connect with me. Help me to obey You, so I can be Your special treasure. I love You, God. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact
We believe that... the Bible is God's Word and His plan for me.

Faith Verse
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
"Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength."

The Bible is God's Word and His plan for me. God gave people the words to write so we can know Him. The Bible is completely true and is the final authority on what we should believe and how we should live.

Question of the day:
How does God share His plan for us?

Pray and ask God to speak to you before you read today’s Scripture.

Read Exodus 20:1–4.

In the Bible, God tells us how to live for Him. In these verses, He is telling us how important He wants to be in our life.

Think about it:
What did God say not to do in these verses?
Answer: God said not to worship anything other than Him and not to make any idols.

What do these verses say God gave the people?
Answer: Instructions

Talk about it:
Why do you think God gave His people instructions about how to worship and live?
Answer: Answers will vary.

One reason God gave the instructions in these verses is to make sure His people did not worship different gods like other people chose to do. We should always make sure to follow what God tells us to do in the Bible. God shares His plan for you and me in His Word.

How can you show God that He is first in your life?
Answer: Answers will vary.

Pray about It:
Dear God, I know that Your plan for me is to love and obey You as my Heavenly Father. Help me to make right choices to put You first in my life. I love You, God. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact
We believe that... the Bible is God's Word and His plan for me.

Faith Verse
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
"Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength."

The Bible is God's Word and His plan for me. God gave people the words to write so we can know Him. The Bible is completely true and is the final authority on what we should believe and how we should live.

Question of the Day:
How does God tell us the best way to live?

Pray and ask God to speak to you before you read today’s Scripture.

Read Exodus 32:15–16.

God loved Moses and the Israelites so much that He made a covenant, a special agreement, with them. He wanted the people to remember to follow Him always. He didn’t want them to forget what He had said to them.

Think about it:
Who wrote the important words on the tablets?
Answer: God wrote the words.

The verse 2 Timothy 3:16 helps us to know that God inspired the whole Bible, not just the words He wrote in the Scripture we read. God guided all the people who wrote down His message for us. When we read His Word, we can know it is God speaking to us.

What’s one thing you have learned from God’s message to you in the Bible?
Answer: Answers will vary.

Talk about it:
God still speaks to people through the Bible. What do you think God’s Word is saying to you?
Answer: Answers will vary.

Pray about It:
Dear God, I know that following You is the best way to live. Thank You for showing me how to do that in Your Word, the Bible. I love You, God. Amen.