Day 1

Faith Fact
We believe that... Jesus died so we can be saved.

Faith Verse
John 1:4 (NLT)
"The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."

We can be a Christian because Jesus died for us. Jesus died on the Cross and took the punishment for our sins. He gave us the only way that we can be forgiven for the wrong things we have done. When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and tell Him we are sorry for our sin, He forgives us. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can live according to God's Word and not continue to do those things that are wrong and don't please God. Our spirit will be in agreement with God's Spirit, and we will live a holy life.

Question of the Day:
What does God want?

LISTEN to God through His Word:

Pray and ask God to speak to you before you read today’s Scripture.

Read John 3:16; Romans 8:15–17.

When God created people, He wanted to live closely with us. But when Adam and Eve sinned, sickness, pain, and death came into the world. More importantly, sin hurt people’s close relationship with God. Does that mean God no longer wanted a close relationship with people? No, He wants to be close to us forever, so He made a way for it to happen. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. Jesus showed us how to live in a way that pleases God, and He never committed a sin. This made Him the only one who could defeat sin and restore our relationship with God.
Why do you think God wants a relationship with people?
Answer: Answers will vary. He created us, and He loves us.

LEARN from God’s Word:

What are the effects of sin?
Answer: Sickness, pain, death, trouble, and separation from God

What makes Jesus different from other people?
Answer: He never sinned. He is the Son of God.
LIVE God’s Word
Why should people want to have a close relationship with God?
Answer: Answers will vary.

What things did Jesus do that should be an example for our life?
Answer: Answers will vary.

PRAY about It:
Dear God, thank You that You want to have a relationship with me so much that You sent Jesus Christ to the earth. Help me to follow Jesus’ example in how I live every day. Amen.

Day 2

Faith Fact
We believe that... Jesus died so we can be saved.

Faith Verse
John 1:4 (NLT)
"The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."

We can be a Christian because Jesus died for us. Jesus died on the Cross and took the punishment for our sins. He gave us the only way that we can be forgiven for the wrong things we have done. When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and tell Him we are sorry for our sin, He forgives us. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can live according to God's Word and not continue to do those things that are wrong and don't please God. Our spirit will be in agreement with God's Spirit, and we will live a holy life.

Question of the day:
Why did Jesus give His life?

LISTEN to God through His Word:

Pray and ask God to speak to you before you read today’s Scripture.

Read Luke 23:33–48; Romans 5:8.

Jesus lived a perfect life. He treated everyone right, never did anything wrong, and did all the right things God the Father wanted Him to do. He didn’t deserve to die on the Cross, but He chose to die. His death paid the cost so that our sins could be forgiven which helps to fix our relationship with God. Jesus also died so we can live with God forever. He chose to do this because He loves us deeply and wants a relationship with us.
Why did Jesus die on the Cross?
Answer: He died on the Cross to take the penalty for our sins.

LEARN from God’s Word:

What is the proof of God’s love for us as found in Romans 5:8?
Answer: He sent Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners.

What was the result of Jesus’ death on the Cross?
Answer: We can have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.

LIVE God’s Word:

How do you know Jesus loves you?
Answer: Answers will vary.

Since Jesus showed His love for you, how can you show your love for Him?
Answer: Answers will vary.

Pray about It:
Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus to the Cross for my sins. Please help me to show my love to You in response. Amen.

Day 3

Faith Fact
We believe that... Jesus died so we can be saved.

Faith Verse
John 1:4 (NLT)
"The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."

We can be a Christian because Jesus died for us. Jesus died on the Cross and took the punishment for our sins. He gave us the only way that we can be forgiven for the wrong things we have done. When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and tell Him we are sorry for our sin, He forgives us. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can live according to God's Word and not continue to do those things that are wrong and don't please God. Our spirit will be in agreement with God's Spirit, and we will live a holy life.

Question of the day:
What did Jesus defeat?

LISTEN to God through His Word

Pray and ask God to speak to you before you read today’s Scripture.

Read Luke 24:1–9; Romans 10:9.

Jesus died on the Cross, but He didn’t stay dead. Three days later when some of His followers went to His tomb, they found it empty. Jesus had risen from the dead! Then He appeared several times to His disciples, talking with them, and even eating with them. Once, He appeared to over five hundred people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6). The Bible teaches that anyone who believes Jesus rose from the dead, repents from their sins, and makes Him the Lord of their life will be saved. Repent means to turn around and go the opposite direction. Jesus forgives us for our sins and makes it possible for us to be with Him forever.
How long was Jesus in the tomb?
Answer: Three days.

LEARN from God’s Word:

How can we be sure that Jesus rose from the dead?
Answer: The Bible says it, and many people witnessed it.

How can a person be saved from sin?
Answer: Believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection, repent, and make Him Lord.

LIVE God’s Word:

What does it mean to repent from sin?
Answer: It means to turn around your way of living.

How could you share the good news about Jesus with someone this week?
Answer: Answers will vary.

PRAY about It:
Dear God, thank You for providing a way for me to live with You forever. Help me to share this good news with others. Amen.